WTFPL Initiative Supports FSF’s Campaign Against SecureBoot

It has been a commonly accepted fact that people should be allowed to do what the fuck they want to with their computers, including, but not limited to, installing whatever fucking operating system they want.

Despite historical differences, the WTFPL Initiative therefore announces its decision to support the FSF in their campaign against potential abuse of the UEFI SecureBoot system and urges all WTFPL enthusiasts to sign the petition.

One Response to “WTFPL Initiative Supports FSF’s Campaign Against SecureBoot”

  1. Hunchback

    It is vulgar. Why would I use one of the most vulgar curse words in a license?
    It is also satanic, which atheism is all about: do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Vox Day modified it a bit — or maybe it was Maugham that he quote –, adding … with regards to the policeman around the corner.
    “Fascism enablers”: this is nonsense, since you most likely have not read much about fascism and what it actually is. Do you reject Salazar, too, who is highly regarded by his ethnic people? Further, did you read Armin Mohler’s essay on fascism? Ernst Nolte’s dissertation?

    If you mean what goes as Alt-Right, then tell it those who destroy what was once Western Civilization by pumping it full of people from the third world who never showed themselves capable of maintaining, let alone creating such a civilization. I was bullied by turks and lebanese pupils during my time in school, one reason why I dropped out and never achieved much. Further, the promiscuity which leads to fatherless children — it has negative consequences, which even secular science accepts — and, together with today’s immigration, a low trust (and low IQ) society will eventually collapse anyway. The question remains “why destroy it in the first place”? We had none of that awful degeneracy for centuries.


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